
헤비듀티 커넥터 24핀

A heavy-duty connector essential in the most challenging applications requiring robustness and reliability, without which a heavy-duty connector would not be complete. These include an appropriately built 24 pin heavy duty connector for operation in tough climatic conditions or high cycle applications. Developed with strong materials, Feman Electric 헤비 듀티 커넥터 녹슬거나 화학 물질에 반응하지 않고 모든 종류의 기상 조건을 견딜 수 있습니다. 가장 가혹한 산업 환경에서 오래 지속되고 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스를 제공하는 능력으로 인해 더욱 인기가 높아졌습니다.

24 또한 보안과 안전을 통해

Furthermore, this 24-pin heavy-duty connector ensures high levels of safety and security due to it is robustness especially for installations where high voltages and currents are used. This ensures that the connections remain intact and cannot be unplugged by accident. The lock system is designed so that it does not succumb easily to vibrations and strong forces thus reducing chances of accidental breaks (which means an unplanned breakaway is less probable). Therefore, their prices are higher since these Feman Electric 24 핀 커넥터 are made safer than those which have caused electrical hazards like electric fence: Expensive because they are safe-ready connectors suitable for high-voltage or current environments.

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