Insulated terminals are the necessary devices that helping to hold electric cables on place. These Feman Electric 銅製ラグ devices ensure that the wires do not get tangled and are vital components for electrical systems. Wires tangle, a hazard. When we did this it was a problem, as leads when not attached to the original position would cause electricity flow incorrectly through wires. Proper manipulation of electrical cables is crucial in terms of safety and also practically speaking.
絶縁ラグは、ワイヤを電荷から保護しながら、他のコンポーネントとの接続を可能にするために設計された部品です。その最も重要な役割は、ワイヤが電気機器にしっかりと接続されるようにすることです。この仕事は非常に重要です。ケーブル ラグと同様に、絶縁ラグは、電気を安全に扱うために長年かけて培われた進歩の成果です。これにより、ワイヤが緩んだり、生産量が危険な状態になったりすることがなくなります。
Insulated lugs are essential if you plan on installing electrical wires and other equipment. Link between wires in electrical devices like circuit breakers This Feman Electric ワイヤーラグ これは非常に重要なリンクであり、配線が緩んだり落ちたりして電気を流すときに問題が発生するのを防ぎます。さらに、絶縁ラグは 2 つ以上の配線 (プロパティ) を結合するために使用されます。接続の理由の 1 つは弾力性であり、高密度の電気システムがあってもすべてがきちんと整然と保たれます。
Insulated lugs: If you are doing any electrical work with them, these will restrict the degrees of freedom and mound limit that we must have, If one person touches this one insulated lug should not be capable enough to pass electricity through our skin. These 端子ラグ systems are also a great part of preventing the wearing down and damage of machinery as well as electrical appliances. There are a lot of benefits for insulated lugs - Firstly, they can be readily installed which makes it relatively favourable to all home owners and electricians. Available in every shape and size, there is a lug out their for any job or application. Further, these studs are built out of high temp resistant material in order to handle the extreme heat and not fail when you need it most.
Insulated lugs are of different kinds, each made for the sake it fulfills. A good example is wire-lugging that finds it is utilization in connecting electric cords to large machines, electrical equipment, etc. These Feman Electric ケーブルラグ are quite sturdy and can handle great levels of electrical amperage, which implies that they are frequently utilized in high-intensity applications. On the other hand, crimp lugs are used to represent cables of different sizes and type. These are designed to neatly sit on the two poles while maintaining a firm grip of the wires as well. This versatility in design means that there is an insulated lug for any electricity job.
当社は ISO9001、CE、RoHS などの認証を取得しています。各プロセスは品質管理スタッフによって監視されています。絶縁ラグが当社の工場から出荷される前に、徹底的なテストを実施して製品の品質を確認します。
Feman は楽清経済開発区内にあります。絶縁ラグ チームのエンジニアの技術者を擁しています。製品範囲はほぼすべての顧客の要件を満たすことができます。大学と協力し、さまざまな分野で特許を申請しています。